Conversor transforma fita cassete em MP3

Foi o professor Carlos Guimarães que me falou sobre este incrível produto. Eu custei a acreditar, mas aí está... Em linhas gerais, agora é muito fácil e rápido converter suas antigas fitas-cassete em arquivos de MP3 ou WAV para rodar no iPod ou qualquer outro aparelho que reproduza áudio em formato digital. The Cassette To MP3 Converter This is the portable device that converts treasured audio cassettes into digital files for listening on an iPod or other MP3 player. Simply connect the converter to a computer via USB and insert a cassette. The included audio editing software quickly and easily downloads tracks and exports them in MP3 or WAV format. The compact unit also operates as a standard cassette recorder with all the expected functions (record, play, rewind, fast forward, pause, stop/eject) and works with most types of cassettes, even CrO2. It has an internal 2 1/2" speaker, and RCA input/output jacks to record and play through a home entertainment system or other auxiliary ...